was lucky that we got our meeting in last Wednesday before the latest snowstorm and brutal cold set in. It was gratifying to have a really good turnout. We discussed several club topics including planning for volunteering to help again this year at the Crete Elementary School Bookfair on February 26 & 29, and at the Crete Scouting Pancake Feed also in February. The club was reminded that our next meeting, January 24th, will be held at the Perry Campus Center Boardroom on the Doane campus. Start time will be the usual 5:30pm and Jason Tuller will be our presenter. He is an UNL Extension Educator specializing in rural community prosperity. Meeting at this location will be used as a trial run to see if we want to move our regular meeting site to Doane. We had the pleasure of hearing from one of our very own members, Karen Drevo! She attended the Tour De Tucson bike ride to end Polio on November 18th, 2023. She got there on Thursday night and jumped right into the activities going on a “pre ride” on Friday morning! She was looking for a rider named Tom Drennan, but as she pulled up to the meeting place, she met someone named Adam who happens to work with the CDC in the Polio division! He was not attending the ride, but it was certainly a wonderful coincidence to have met him! She attended a dinner that night hearing some many notable speakers. The ride was on Saturday and there were over 9,000 riders! There was a race portion for those that wanted to, but Karen went at a more leisurely pace. There were four different rides: 102 miles, 63 miles, 32 miles, or a 5k ride and fun run with kids. There were stops along the way, and Karen met other riders she stayed with throughout the ride. Her favorite stop had great snacks and drinks, but they had people to hold the bikes for the riders! Gary Bren planned to attend but could not for health reasons. He generously donated the amount he raised to Karen so combined, she raised $9000 for the ride! She says she would love to do it again, and we’re thrilled she was able to represent the Crete club!