Upcoming Events
Club Ice Cream Social @City Park: TBD
Aug 28, 2019
5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
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Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Jim Fahrnbruch
August 7
Spouse Birthdays
Phil Harms
August 30
Thomas Sorensen
August 3
Join Date
Karen Drevo
August 31, 2016
3 years
Russell Hampton
ClubRunner Mobile
Winning August
Rebekah Mussman, President and CEO of Crete Area Medical Center, was our speaker on Aug. 20. She shared a couple of current programs the hospital is currently engaged in to improve recruitment and retention of staff and partnering with local schools on mental health resources. The first endeavor, Workforce Connections Program, involves filling positions for registered nurses and lab technicians by recruiting potential candidates who would benefit from CAMC paying for their Associates Degree and guaranteed employee at CAMC while staying in the Crete area. The second initiative continues the hospital's efforts to make an impact in local schools by offering free mental health triage at CAMC for parents who need a place to take their child who may be at risk. She said these types of programs are possible with help from the Crete Area Health Care Foundation and being good community partners.

The queen has been found! Bret won the ticket drawing on Tuesday and had a one in four chance at finding the queen among remaining cards. He won a record jackpot of $360, which has been accumulating since early 2018. Congratulations, Bret!
Our Wednesday, Aug. 28 meeting is a club ice cream social in City Park at 5:30 p.m. We have the bandstand reserved and guests are welcome. If you have not already responded by email or at last week's meeting, please let Jenn know if you can attend.
ice cream: Tom S., Bret, Jim F., Jack T.
dessert: Jim J., Karen, Chris, Jack & Mary