Last week we heard from Mandy Vanlaningham with the HOPE Crisis Center. She's a 2012 Doane Alumni, and was actually working with HOPE Crisis Center before she graduated! She's the Community Educator so her job is to spread awareness for the center and the services they provide. Some of the services they do provide include: - 24-hour Hotline Support (1 (877) 388-4673)
- Advocacy in English and Spanish
- Emergency Assistance
- Referrals
- Sexual Assault and Medical Advocacy
- Temporary Emergency Shelter
They have offices in Fillmore, Gage, Jefferson, Saline, Seward, Thayer, and York Counties. There are 9 total employees--3 administrative, and 6 advocates. Thanks, Mandy, for sharing the services the HOPE Crisis Center provides. If you'd like more information or donate any items, please call: (402) 729-2570. Please check your schedule for some important February Events and email Shay if you'd like to sign up for any of these service opportunities: - February 19--Crete Youth Cabin Awards Banquet. Rotary would like to purchase a table of 6 members for $250 (a little more than $40/member). If you are able to attend that evening (5:30-8pm at the 1206), please email Shay. Please note this will take the place of the monthly noon lunch. To be clear: we will NOT have a monthly lunch in February, we will use the Awards Banquet as the social event that month.
- February 22--Boy Scout Pancake Feed. We need help from 7am-1pm broken up into 3 2-hour shifts.
- February 24--Elementary Book Fair. We need help from 6-8pm.
- February 27--Elementary Book Fair. We need help from 5-8pm broken up into 2 1.5 hour shifts.
Signup sheets for these will be going around at the next meeting on February 12th. For February Meeting on the 12th or 26th, we are looking for a member willing to share about themselves--personally or professionally--as the program. If you'd like to be the program either of those days, please let Shay know. Also, if you have meeting ideas, please share them as well. In March, Jim and Jane Fahrnbruch have offered to be one of the programs! He will be answering questions related to his time in Rotary. They have asked that questions are sent beforehand if possible, so please email them to Shay if you have questions for the Fahrnbruchs to answer. Our next meeting will be on February 12th, We look forward to seeing you all!