Crete Rotary Club
Crete, NE
Here are some important details about upcoming meetings:
  • There will be NO MEETING on April 27th.  Instead, we will be doing a highway clean up on April 20th beginning at 5pm.  Meet at CAMC to get the vests and bags.
  • On May 11th, Roger Hughes with Doane University will be speaking to our club, and on May 25th we will be inviting the RYLA participant and Scholarship winners to join us.  Please make an effort to attend so our club has good representation during these two programs.
  • We are in need of ideas for a District Grant for next year.  If you have any, please contact Jack Thompson or bring it to the meeting on May 11th.  The deadline is May 31st.  
  • For those of you who donated to the Foundation through the Ukraine link, please email Jim F. the amount so we can note it for our records.  
  • For the Rotary Centennial coins, if you committed to purchasing, please give Jim J. the payment who will then reimburse Geoff for the cost.  For the coins and shipping, it ended up being about $32 for a package of 25. (or $1.30 a piece)
  • If you'd like to purchase a Centennial Shirt from Heath Sports, here is the link to purchase:  You can either pay online or when you pick up the shirt.  
  • Please consider attending the District Conference.  The registration link is live and there's a discounted rate if you register before May 20th.
  • It was mentioned that it would be nice to have a Rotary float in the Saline County Fair parade this year in honor of our Centennial celebration.  If you have an antique vehicle (or know someone who has one) please reach out to Jenn L or Jack Thompson for this idea to come to fruition!  In addition, if you have a hidden art talent to create the banner, it would be nice to know that too! ;) 
It was announced at the last meeting Ann Howard was so moved by Rotary's work in the Ukraine, she donated $5000 through the link to Ukraine that will go towards our club's Foundation giving.  A special thank you to Ann for the generous gift, and it was discussed that a certificate of thanks or plaque should be given to her.  More details to come as she will be invited to a meeting in the upcoming months.  
Last, but certainly not least, two of our members were awarded Paul Harris Fellows!  Jim J was awarded a Paul Harris +2 pin and Tom P was awarded a Paul Harris +1 pin.  Special congratulations to them both for their generous donations to Rotary throughout the years.  Thank you!